Herkimer Diamonds x 3, Perfects, Large or Inclusions
Herkimer Diamonds x 3, Perfects, Large or Inclusions
Herkimer Diamonds x 3, Perfects, Large or Inclusions
Herkimer Diamonds x 3, Perfects, Large or Inclusions
Herkimer Diamonds x 3, Perfects, Large or Inclusions
Herkimer Diamonds x 3, Perfects, Large or Inclusions
Herkimer Diamonds x 3, Perfects, Large or Inclusions

Herkimer Diamonds x 3, Perfects, Large or Inclusions

Regular price $12.90
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Beautiful little gems, Natural and unpolished, Herkimer Diamonds

Natural Clear Colours
Hold in your hand and roll around to release their soothing healing properties
Great for any budding gemmologist, to build a collection or just to look pretty.
Most children love pretty coloured stones (caution, not for young children as small stones may present a choking hazard) 

  • 3 X TINY HERKIMER DIAMONDS gem stones, rare, Crystals
  • A ruler is in the image to enable you to determine the exact size of the stones.
  • Copy the image to your computer and then enlarge it to get a better picture of these items!
  • 3 Stones (RRP $8.95 - $25 each - you are getting 3!)
  • Natural Colours
  • Approximate size 3-10mm each
  • You have 3 styles to choose from:
  1. PERFECT: These are tiny gems with great clarity - the most sparkly of the styles and the smallest
  2. INCLUSIONS: These are similar size to the perfects but have flecks of other minerals throughout, very interesting to look at
  3. LARGE: These are not quite as clear as the above 2 styles, but are larger, perfect to make into necklaces. Approximately 3-10mm
  • THE ABOVE IMAGES CONTAIN RULERS TO GET A GOOD IDEA OF THE SIZES - They are small, but exquisite specimens
Please note, we will be making a selection from a bundle for you and the actual shapes, colours and stones may vary slightly
  • Beautiful clarity
  • These stones are really tiny and that makes them even more special when you look at the perfection in their shapes.
  • They possess beautiful clarity and lustre (sparkle), they will fascinate and delight all
  • Truly special little treasures
  • Imagine using these as the gifts inside a christmas bon bon (pop in a small plastic bag so it is not lost) how fun to open a cracker and receive 'diamonds' 
  • Fascinating Stones
  • Herkimer Diamonds are fascinating quartz crystals often found in Herkimer - New York
  • They have a fascinating "diamond" shape, hence the name Herkimer Diamonds

The following healing properties is an extract taken (with permission) from the book - Crystal & Gem Healing by Lesley Mitchell (also available for purchase - a perfect compliment if giving your gemstones as a gift)

Crystal clear with beautiful color refractions, Herkimer Diamond conjures up all manner of images in the mind and assists in remembering and storing dreams, whilst allowing the user to understand the messages their own subconscious is showing them. It also has the ability of assisting the body to detoxify and cleanse, making it invaluable when beginning a fast or a new diet. Herkimer Diamonds are also of benefit for those wishing to tune into past lives of their own, remembering them with clarity, wisdom and understanding and they are also extremely beneficial for meditation.