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Ch'i products DVD is now available. Whether you already have Chi energy products & wish to obtain more benefit from them or have yet to embark on this journey of understanding. This DVD is eye opening, fun and will share practical tips on how your energies, health & vitality may be being undermined by others & what to do about it.

  • Witness: dowsing of an aura - it's changes from mobile phones, other peoples thoughts, \
  • Kinesiology
  • Learn: Cleansing of EMF's from crystals & gems, practical ways to enhance you life with little or no cost
  • View: Images of kirlian photography, healing energies, Chi products range
  • Be fascinated by: The intelligence of water
  • Practical Science: EMF's detection pens, practical solutions
  • Share: People's personal experiences in feeling energies

Prerequisites: None - for DVD-R compatible players (DVD's & Computers)

Whether you already have Chi Energy products & simply wish to gain more benefit from them or
You have an interest in energy work, demonstrations & EMF's (electromagnetic fields)

This DVD is terrific for you

Harmonisation of EMF’s, protection from other’s energies, strengthen the aura. Increase health, vitality & Ch’i (energy). Create a harmonious home atmosphere. Energise your home or clinic!

Demonstrations - Dowsing - Kinesiology - Practical & relevant to all

A terrific practical DVD showing demonstrations of the Chi energy products.
Whether you already have Chi energy products & wish to obtain more benefit from them or have yet to embark on this journey of understanding. This DVD is eye opening, fun and will share practical tips on how your energies, health & vitality may be being undermined by others & what to do about it.

Get your copy today

Reclaim your personal power - Discover an easy means of Spiritual Unfoldment, healing, health & personal empowerment.

                                                This DVD plays on world zone DVD - R compatible players *USACUSTOMERS - Please check your DVD player is world zone PAL compatible, NTSC isavailable by request however you need to stipulate this request prior todispatch&it can take 14 days to get in stock in thisformat*
For further information contact: Renascent  © Copyright 2004 Daryll Mitchell


Here is some information on the Chi energy disc for you:

 A unique energy product, personal Ch’i Energy Discs for wearing / carrying on the body.  Copper disc - gold plated with genuine sterling silver.

1. Energetic Protection from electromagnetic fields

2. Energetic Protection from other peoples energies (if you are affected by others)

3. Energetic Protection to hold the body (& it's energy systems) in a blanced state

These discs are the result of many years of testing. They produce the integrity of energy many have searched for but were unable to find. The Ch’i Energy Disc harmonises on an energy level of the body; the stressful effects of electromagnetic fields. This means that whilst these fields may well still be present if tested scientifically, energetically the body no longer shows a stressful response to them. This has been verified through independent Kinesiology (muscle testing) tests, pendulum and dowsing work and on a slightly different tangent through Kirlian photography (the photography of the body’s subtle energetic fields). Modern medicine is now well aware of stress related illnesses, diseases, premature aging, lethargy and lack of motivation, which may result due to such stresses.

The Ch’i energy disc combines a simple mandalic design received through meditation to harmonise and contain Chi (energy), the Chinese character also represents Chi. Together they are imprinted on a copper disc individually tuned according to esoteric practices and ancient alchemical sciences. Copper is well known for its natural healing affinity with the human body and has long been used alone as relief for arthritis and rheumatic joint pains. It is one of the few substances that the body will tolerate being in the energy field for long periods of time.

The discs produce a gentle energy harmonised for the human energy field and their vibration is such that they begin to harmonise anything they are in contact with.

The Ch’i energy disc may be used in the following manner:

1. Tests have shown that while wearing a Ch’i energy disc and exposed to manmade electromagnetic fields. Muscles locked in Kinesiology tests, indicating that the body and its energy systems are no longer showing a stress or unlock response, as has occurred in prior testing whilst not wearing the disc. This has been verified many times and excitingly opens new avenues of investigation regarding the long-term exposure to these manmade fields.

2. The Ch’i energy disc will harmonise on an energy level: food, water, battery operated watches or any other device that utilises a battery, eg: torches and calculators. Simply pass the disc slowly over the object a few times.  Again muscle testing can be used to verify the changes from stress to no stress.      3. Tests have shown the discs to assist people in maintaining their own energies and not taking on those of others, “emotional pick up”. Reports have indicated more balanced emotions and greater peace of mind.

The ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Tibetans knew of this energy and accepted it as part of their everyday life. They also realised that without it in harmony, illness would ensue and the quality of life would be lessened. So modern times demand modern measures.                                  


I have been using the Ch’i disc for over 6 months now & I find that I am able to work longer hours at the computer without becoming tired, or snappy. I also find the disc useful when I am seeing clients in my practice to prevent “emotional pickup”. The disc seems to dissipate the negative feelings which I would otherwise pickup from others. I would recommend the disc to anyone using computers, working around electrical equipment or working in an environment where peoples negative feelings are discussed and worked with.. Greg Hernon (author of “Flowerbase” the computer package for flower and gem essence therapists. Chairman of the International flower essence standards review committee.

My walk and appearance do not reflect my 86 years.

I have the energy and looks of a 70 year old, and feel confident these are benefits of my Ch’i Energy Disc.

I have worn the Ch’i Energy Disc every day since I received it as a birthday present from my grandson two years ago.

Where once I thought of a twenty five yards as a painful walk, I can now walk a mile without a rest. I am most grateful to John who has followed my progress with enthusiasm and encouragement.

I recommend the Ch’i Energy Disc, without hesitation.

Sydney Roy McGie (Sydney, N.S.W.)

28 years ago prior to wearing my Ch’i Energy Disc I suffered from migraines and headaches for as long as I could remember. During that time, on average I’d have a headache one or two times a week and a migraine at least two a month. Therefore I’d be taking Panadol or aspirin to combat the pain, sometimes taking up to 3000mg of paracetamol in a day. The pain was so severe that many days I’d end up in bed, trying to sleep it off. This has all changed quite considerably since wearing the Ch’i Energy Disc. In the last 18 months since wearing the disc I have only had 3-4 minor headaches and have not needed to take aspirin or paracetamol. In conclusion, I am extremely pleased with the results of wearing the Ch’i Energy Disc and would highly recommend for everyone to wear one. Kathy Earie (N.S.W.)

I have been using the Ch’i Energy Disc for about four years now and as I am extremely sensitive to subtle energies, prior to its use I found I was constantly being knocked around by other peoples energies. Since wearing the Ch’i Energy Disc I find I am able to stay centred, focussed and more rational. In my work in my healing clinic I have found this a great benefit to both myself and my clients. When I am teaching and I find my students attention wandering or them becoming tired I will give them a disc to wear for the class and I have noticed their energy levels pick up and they are alert, contented and able to stay focussed. I also have a pet disc for my dog and since she has been wearing it, she seems more in tune with people and much more receptive to love and playfulness, she has become gentler and seems to have a kinder nature. I would recommend the discs for those working in intuitive fields, around electrical appliances or artificial lighting, for children to centre and calm them, animals and anyone who drives in a car or uses water from their house.

Lesley Antonoff (founder of Renascent, director of The Australian College of Feng Shui & Geomancy, Director of The International College of Gem Essences, Kinesiology Trainer, Metaphysician, Beauty Therapist, Nutritionist, Natural Health Practitioner, Author, International Seminar facilitator)

I find when I’m working on the computer and start feeling tired and lethargic if I put my Chi energy disc on, I suddenly feel re energised and I can work for a lot longer. 

I wasn’t sleeping very well at night until I realised the power point with bedside lamp plugged in and my clock radio were right near my head. Since placing my Chi Energy disc on top of the clock at night, I now sleep a lot better. 

I always wear my Chi Energy disc out to do the grocery shopping. I used to feel totally drained after spending an hour under all those fluorescent lights with so many other people crowding me. Now shopping doesn’t wear me out any more. 

Faye Read (founder of Naissance), midwife, aromatherapy practitioner, mother.

Also available in the Ch’i range are Personal Discs (in plain copper or copper gold / silver plated), Pet Discs, Children Discs, Mobile Phone Discs, Practitioner Discs (for natural health enhancements, chakra / auric alignment & space clearing personally or for the environment), Water Polarisers (to put the correct ‘spin’ back in the water), Chi Energy Balm (for spiritual protection from the debilitating effects of others energies & blessings) Poolatron (for spas, spa baths & swimming pools) and Mains Polarisers. Brochures & full catalogues are available by request, talks are available in demonstrations & use of these products.

DISCLAIMER: These products are not intended to replace orthodox or alternative medicine when required. If ill, seek professional advice. The information comes from reported case studies and in3sights. No healing claims are made or implied regarding the use of these products. We do not accept any responsibility for the results of tampering with or attempting to modify these products in any way. All products are checked prior to leaving and if any concerns arise please contact your point of purchase for information. These products are not ‘scientific’ in nature and are not verified by scientific means. They are ‘esoteric’ in nature and operate according to ‘Higher Qi Gong’ principals; a metaphysical science.

For further information contact: Renascent

© Copyright 1995 & 2003 Daryll Mitchell  

The Ch’i energy disc is for today.


*Returns - Please note due to copyright material, DVD's can be replaced if faulty or damaged ONLY.