Gem Essence workbook (Paperback) - Vibrational Healing, Elixers
BRAND NEW from the author (Lesley Mitchell of Renascent College)
By Lesley Mitchell
This book covers in depth:
- The manufacture of the Renascent Gem Essences
- Natural, vibrational and energy healing and healing crisis.
- Essence usage & dilutions
- Emotional ailments chart
Designed to complement the Gem Essence Certificate Course & the Gem Essence Manual.
Many stores have purchased this book to enable their staff to have greater knowledge on the gem essences, allowing them to adequately answer questionsfrom their customers.
Gem Essences
- Gem Essences are basically a vibrational infusion at the most potent level of the healing properties of gems and crystals without the negative aspects.
- Gem essences are prepared in many ways similar to flower essences, however with more knowledge now available on other factors such as electromagnetic radiation and pollution we are able to offer more in depth manners of preparation which in turn makes the essences even more beneficial.
- With Gem Essences, you are looking at a product that holds the ability to release deep seated emotions, rebalance the psyche and heal the body. In anybody’s understanding, this makes it an important area. We are not talking about a pleasant smelling room freshener from the supermarket, we are talking about a product to realign your very being. For me personally (and I believe anyone else also) only the purest, most potentised and effective essence should be considered. The Renascent Gem Essences guarantee this promise.
The following is an extract from the Renascent Gem Essence workbook (please note the material is copyright, please do not reproduce it without our direct permission - Thank you)
There has been a great increase in the wearing of gems and crystals for their healing properties and much time has been spent discussing various gems and crystals, with brief mention here and there to the most amazing way of using these wonderful gems - in essence form. Now, for those of you who have never heard of gem essences, I know that sounds stranger than science fiction - a gem in a liquid !
This book is designed to clarify for you exactly how this is possible, and how this form of natural healing may assist to bring peace and wellbeing. Some people may be loathe to use an essence as they have just become used to wearing their gem. If you wish to just use the actual gem, then fine, do so. However, if you wish to use an essence instead of, or as well as your gems, then you may wish to know a little more about them.
The essences potentise gems, which have long recognised healing qualities, and embodied in the manufacture of the gem essences are the main elements. Earth, from whence the gems came, Air, surrounding all right through the process, Water, clean and clear to fill the bowl and imbue the healing vibrations and Fire from the sun and the moon to potentise and activate. When all of these elements work together, a successful and potent essence is achieved...... and how the water and gems sparkle and feel alive and invigorated.
The essence is made to heal not an asthma or an arthritis or an ache, but to change a negative or imbalanced state of mind to a positive easy one. Banishing fear and removing anxiety, irritability and nervous tension to create self confidence, self worth, peace and strength, amongst many other qualities and therefore allowing the body to heal any illness or imbalance which may be creating disease through using a method of self healing. Gem essences work to calm the mind and align and balance the subtle polarities within the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level or bodies, allowing for wholistic healing.
Lesley Mitchell is the author of 11 books, an international lecturer, natural therapist, Kinesiology, Gem Essence & Crystal Workshop Instructor. Lesley holds diplomas in Metaphysics, Spiritualism, Kinesiology, Feng Shui, Geomancy and Gemmology and has been teaching natural energy techniques & gemmology since 1988. Lesley is the founder of Renascent & co director of The International College of Intuitive Sciences.